Larry Hamel and Patricia Schank own the fingers that type Hamschank.
Patti Schank
Part-time consultant for SRI Education
Soprano in Smorgaschord
Volunteer usher at the Guild Theater and Stanford Live
Volunteer Web Chair for the SRI Alumni Association
Pair of right feet at Friday Night Waltz
Manager of Schank Farm
Vegan cook, with recipes at Peachy Keen Green Recipes
- Cognitive and computer scientist at SRI International
- Director of Learner-Centered Design Research at Digital Promise
- Research consultant at Xerox PARC
- Software engineer at Apple
- Knowledge engineer at IBM
- Student, research assistant, and teaching assistant at UC Berkeley
- Student, math consultant, and computer science consultant at UNL
See personal website with publications, etc.
Larry Hamel
Volunteer usher at the Guild Theater
Bass & vocal percussionist in Smorgaschord
Pair of left feet at local Friday Night Waltz
Husband of Codebabe
- Engineer at Ron Hoffman consulting
- Instructor at Tokyo Institute of Foreign Studies (IFU Gaigo Gakuin)
- Member of the Sophia Univ. boxing club
- Software support manager at Intellimation
- Engineer at Navis
- Engineer at Apple
- Engineer at Philips Medical
- Director of Technology at Prophet Financial Systems (acquired by TD Ameritrade)
- Founder at Codeguild
- Engineer at Thuuz
- Engineer at Pivotal (acquired byVMware)
- Engineer at VMware